Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Working Together is Success

Dear Residents,

As we enter the summer season, it is a time to be outside enjoying activities such as walking, biking, running, and swimming. While you are outdoors, I ask that you also take note of your surroundings and inform us of any issues. From graffiti to debris to nuisance properties, your observations and input are a guaranteed way of improving our community. Left unattended, it is also a certain way that our city will never become what we all envision it can be.

We have made much progress and have worked hard with the City Council to provide myriad ways for you to communicate about what’s going on around you. Monthly E-updates, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter are a few of the outlets available to notify us of issues that need to be addressed. Of course, you can always report a concern by just using the good-old fashioned telephone!

One new tool that we currently employ with much success is Commonwealth Connect, a Smartphone App that can be downloaded for free using your AppleAndroid, Windows Phone or Blackberry devices. We have resolved hundreds of issues since introducing this request-based system in March. Submitting an issue through your Smartphone may only take seconds, but the positive impact on your neighborhood and city may last for years to come.

Our city will only be as good as what you put into it. By working together, we can achieve success and see results. I am certain that if each one of us takes the time to get involved then the sky will be the limit for Malden.  

Mayor, City of Malden